Available for mobile upgrade! Yay?

Posted by Ivet | | Posted on 12/21/2010 11:49:00 AM

The Nexus S was released December 16 for T-Mobile exclusively sold through Best Buy Mobile. I was so excited because I love me some Google phone!! ^__^ Currently having the Nexus One since February 2010, I thought, "Hey! It's been 10 months, it's time for an upgrade!" BUT......with careful reconsideration, I have decided to WAIT...dun dun dun.

I had made it such a big deal to get this new phone, but if you really look at it, it really isn't a huge upgrade. Thus, I have decided to wait for a Honeycomb phone instead. Compared to my Nexus One, the Nexus S, really only has a front facing camera, slightly faster processor, and is running Gingerbread. Gingerbread was one of the main factors why I wanted to upgrade, but if you really think about it, Gingerbread really disappointed and doesn't have too many 'wow' features (only distinguishable black notification bar). Plus, a tweet from the Official Google Nexus twitter came yesterday announcing "Ginger bread is coming to the Nexus One in the Coming Weeks". Yea....better for me.

So THERE, I can wait.

My original date to upgrade was January 9, 2011. I made a call to T-Mobile on December 16 (date of Nexus S release) asking if i could possibly have an earlier upgrade date, and they said that they could (being a loyal customer and all =p) but not to the 12/16 to be exact. That was great news, but it turns out that was pointless because the Nexus S was only available through BB Mobile and them being a third party wouldn't be able to honor early upgrades, only actual upgrade dates. So days passed, and yesterday I went online to re-check my upgrade date (just for fun) again, and it had changed to January 18. That's a whopping 9 days after the original date to upgrade! I ended up calling T-Mobile and asking them what was up with that, and told them how I checked online and the date had changed, and that maybe them giving me an early upgrade date might have caused that. They ended up sending a request to some other department and they ended up giving me an upgrade date of, TODAY. Great, right? Not so. With so much trouble (not really) of trying to get this phone. It looks like I will be just waiting for another, hopefully it doesn't disappoint. 

Fascinating stuff here, eh?

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