
Posted by Ivet | | Posted on 3/08/2011 08:35:00 PM

I plan to blog more often. Even if it is only a short post, I think it would be better than nothing.

I recently just celebrated my birthday (March 4). I worked during the day and then went to eat at P.F. Changs with my family. It was very nice.

The following day (Saturday) I worked and then Sunday I went to Key West.

Right now my main focus is school. I have alot of work for all 6 classes I am taking. So many tutorials and assignments due every single week. It seems that I spend 70% of my school time in the lab trying to complete them all.

Other than that I had my ethics presentation (Google vs Privacy) yesterday. It went alright. I could have done better. Now I must focus on finishing the accompanying 10 page paper due within 5 days.

Spring break? Yea, that's next week. No set plans ATM. Maybe work. Maybe sleep. But more than likely catch up on some school work. We'll see....

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